All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base for a code generation Mojo that calls protoc.
Builder for Java argument files that deals with the quoting and escaping rules Java expects.
Executor for protoc commands.
Helper component that allows scheduling IO-bound tasks within a thread pool.
Parameter to configure how to resolve dependencies.
Common helper logic for file handling operations.
Base for a generation request with all the details of what to do during generation.
Display help information on protobuf-maven-plugin.
Call mvn protobuf:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
A bean that exposes information about the underlying platform and the context of the invocation.
Immutable implementation of GenerationRequest.
Builds instances of type ImmutableGenerationRequest.
Immutable implementation of MavenDependency.
Builds instances of type ImmutableMavenDependency.
Immutable implementation of MavenProtocPlugin.
Builds instances of type ImmutableMavenProtocPlugin.
Immutable implementation of ProjectInputListing.
Builds instances of type ImmutableProjectInputListing.
Immutable implementation of ResolvedProtocPlugin.
Builds instances of type ImmutableResolvedProtocPlugin.
Immutable implementation of SourceListing.
Builds instances of type ImmutableSourceListing.
Manager that detects situations where incremental compilation may be faster on large codebases.
Supported generated source languages.
Builder for a set of enabled languages.
Generate source code from protobuf files.
Base interface for a parameter that consumes Maven artifact details.
Interface for an object that provides resolution of Maven artifacts and dependencies, emitting their paths.
Implementation independent descriptor for an artifact or dependency that can be used in a Maven Plugin parameter.
A modifiable implementation of the MavenDependency type.
Implementation independent descriptor for a protoc plugin that can be resolved from a Maven repository.
A modifiable implementation of the MavenProtocPlugin type.
Protoc plugin base that can be optionally ignored if it cannot be resolved.
Implementation independent descriptor for a protoc plugin that can be resolved from the system $PATH.
A modifiable implementation of the PathProtocPlugin type.
Factory that can produce classifiers for dependencies based on the current platform.
Wrapper around a collection of source and import listings.
Component that resolves all protobuf source and import paths for a given plugin invocation, ensuring they are in a location that is accessible by the protoc binary.
Resolver for plugins within a project.
Orchestrates all moving parts in this plugin, collecting all relevant information and dependencies to pass to an invocation of protoc.
Builder for a protoc command line invocation ArgumentFileBuilder.
Base interface for a Protoc plugin reference.
Resolver for the protoc executable.
Exception raised if resolution of resources fail.
Model that holds details about a resolved protoc plugin.
Listing for a root containing proto files.
Component that can index and resolve protobuf sources in a file tree.
Strategy for registration of sources with the Maven project.
A bean that allows discovering a binary on the system path, using OS-specific resolution semantics.
A writer that also writes to an in-memory buffer to enable the content to be replayed.
Helper to provide access to temporary spaces on the file system to use during builds.
Generate source code from protobuf files for use in tests.
Implementation independent descriptor for a protoc plugin that can be resolved from a URL.
A modifiable implementation of the UrlProtocPlugin type.
Component that consumes URLs to obtain resources from remote locations.