Class TestGenerateMojo

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.apache.maven.plugin.ContextEnabled, org.apache.maven.plugin.Mojo

@Mojo(name="generate-test", defaultPhase=GENERATE_TEST_SOURCES, requiresDependencyCollection=COMPILE_PLUS_RUNTIME, requiresDependencyResolution=NONE, requiresOnline=true, threadSafe=true) public final class TestGenerateMojo extends AbstractGenerateMojo
Generate source code from protobuf files for use in tests.

Unlike the generate goal, these sources will only be visible to tests, and will not be included in any final JAR of the project main sources.

Any project dependencies using the compile, provided, system, or test scopes will be made available to import from protobuf sources.

By default, sources will be read from src/test/protobuf, and generated sources will be written to target/generated-test-sources/protobuf.

Generally, you won't need to use this. It can be useful in some more specific use cases where you are only using the protobuf definitions within the context of a test.

Ashley Scopes