Package io.github.ascopes.protobufmavenplugin.plugins
package io.github.ascopes.protobufmavenplugin.plugins
Management of
ClassDescriptionImmutable implementation of
.Builds instances of typeImmutableMavenProtocPlugin
.Immutable implementation ofResolvedProtocPlugin
.Builds instances of typeImmutableResolvedProtocPlugin
.Implementation independent descriptor for a protoc plugin that can be resolved from a Maven repository.A modifiable implementation of theMavenProtocPlugin
type.Protoc plugin base that can be optionally ignored if it cannot be resolved.Implementation independent descriptor for a protoc plugin that can be resolved from the system$PATH
.A modifiable implementation of thePathProtocPlugin
type.Resolver for plugins within a project.Base interface for a Protoc plugin reference.Model that holds details about a resolved protoc plugin.Implementation independent descriptor for a protoc plugin that can be resolved from a URL.A modifiable implementation of theUrlProtocPlugin